WeAreHere Arab Women Role in Peace-making is Now Known
A regional campaign to raise awareness about women's political participation in countries undergoing armed conflicts in the Arab region.
In the Arab region that struggles with armed conflicts and sexism, plenty of women put their career, and sometimes lives, on the line to help their countries build peace and end polarization. UN Women, through a European Union-funded program, aimed to have the voices of those women heard. The campaign documented the stories of those women and informed policymakers, regional and international communities. As the Media and Communications Expert contracted by UN Women, Dr. Emad AbouElgheit, founder and president of Stratigal, worked with donors, governments, media and NGOs to launch a regional campaign to document the stories of selected women political activists. The campaign invited other ordinary women from the region to share their stories on social media and spread the word.
Project Numbers
positive media mentions by local, regional and international outlets that included CNN, BBC and Sky News.
user-generated-content on social media channels by women sharing their stories.
campaign contributed to policy changes in some Arab countries towards more gender equality.